If you are one of the 60 million + Americans born between 1945 - 1960, you are a Baby Boomer. You are also either retired or nearing the age of retirement. Wikipedia researchers have stated that January 1, 2011 was the official beginning of the Golden Baby Boomer Era meaning that this is the first generation to retire with the ability, time, and money to devote their energy to new or renewed interests. The Golden Baby Boomers have been studied by marketing firms worldwide, focusing on the potential for business opportunities resulting from this wave of retirees entering The Golden Era. What plans have you made to insure your continued sense of well-being in your retirement years? Music has always played an important part of all modern civilization. You probably cannot name a significant event, movie, or tradition that you do not associate with music. There are few, if any, weddings, funerals, political or entertainment events that are not associated in our minds with music. Even during the worst of times, art and therefore music, survives. Karl Paulnack, Director of Music at Boston Conservatory, has written about a musical piece that was composed by a French musician while an inmate at a concentration camp. There were 3 other musicians also incarcerated, so he wrote a quartet that allowed them all to play a part. The result is the aptly named Quartet For The End of Time by Olivier Messiaen. It was performed in front of 4,000 inmates and guards in 1940. On 9/11/02, the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 />United States public reacted to the terrorist attacks by singing the National Anthem or We Shall Overcome in front of firehouses around the country. The first public event in New York City was the playing of Brahms Requiem by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in Lincoln Center. Yes, even in the worst of times, music survives and in fact, is a necessary part of the healing process. We have always been told that music is good for the soul. Well, we now know that music can lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, slow your heart rate, and even defy dementia by allowing otherwise mentally isolated adults to participate in musical events that they were familiar with prior to being robbed of their mental capabilities. Newer studies have found that participation in a music program can decrease depression levels and improve your immunity to disease.
So now, we have set the stage for the rest of New Horizons story. New Horizons Band is for those 50 and older. There were to be no auditions, no sense of intimidation; the instructional environment was to be supportive and fun; there would be entry and re-entry levels for beginners, intermediates, and advanced players. The program was geared to those ages of 50+, but this age limit is often deleted from current local groups' criteria. The motto has always been “Your Best Is Good Enough".
Now is your opportunity to join.