Love is the Great Symphony
Though I sing everything from folk to opera
but don't sound out love,
I am simply sour notes.
Though I have developed the insight
to predict a bit
and know all the conservatory secrets
of perfect performance
and hold a great "hallelujah" of faith
but don't project love, I am nothing.
And though I give complimentary lessons
to the ghetto children and burn myself
out on the concert stage - without love
I am an unfinished chord.
Love is a ritard., an andante, a quiet
It is not dissonant and fighting to be
heard above the melody, not even
noticing a four-measure rest.
Love hums happily in harmony, but
twangs in the off-key.
Love - sustains talent,
trusts potential,
expects quality
and lives through growing toward it.
Love never lays down the baton;
where there are ovations, they will
be silenced;
where there is style, it will fade;
where there is expertise, it won't
be needed.
For we are aware of only earthly melodies
and we can share only earthly melodies.
But when the Master Composer takes the dais,
the rehearsal will be ended;
the concert will begin.
When I was a beginner, I played
and All-Cows-Eat-Grass
and was satisfied.
Now that I'm a polished performer, I
set those exercises on the shelf.
Now we view the music vaguely but
then sharply noted
Now I perceive the score simply
but then I'll have the conductor's
So talent, performance and love remain -
but love is the Great Symphony.
(1 Corinthians 13, paraphrased by Jan Bentley)