If your child is taking music lessons, then your halls are alive with the sound of music. Not exactly, you say? Well, don't be discouraged. Those first few struggling notes are the hopeful beginnings of a long and beautiful friendship with music. I know of nothing that adds as much fun and happiness to a child's school years as the creative experiences he or she will enjoy through music. Just ask any adult who has traveled this road.
But your child needs encouragement, your help and your approval. Talent and intelligence are born in a student, but musical ability doesn't just happen. It takes dedication and effort. It is not exaggeration to say that behind each successful pupil there is a determined parent. The world is full of people who now wish their parents had required them to go on with music when they made the decision to give it up.
After the first few weeks of learning to play a musical instrument, it is common for a child to lose some interest and excitement. The early stages of playing an instrument are the most difficult. You can help your child through this period by showing your support and confidence in your child's ability to succeed.
Children need to be motivated in order to learn and they are motivated best when they can look forward to success. In all walks of life, people who are successful are winners. Music makes Winners.
Gradually your child will learn to master the instrument, and confidence will be gained. Before this happens, the practice problems and frustrations may cause your child to tell you that he or she wants to quit. Especially when the going gets a little tough, as it will do in anything worthwhile. But your child needs encouragement, your help and your approval. Encourage your child to stay in lessons long enough to gain confidence, self-respect and an enjoyment of music.
Encourage your child to practice regularly, especially during extended vacation periods. Praise him/her for their efforts. Show your interest and enthusiasm and you'll see him/her grow into a well-adjusted youngster with an appreciation of the value of personal effort. The study of music will give him an outlet for excess energy and a means of developing leadership. He/she learns discipline, and their perspective of the future is greatly enhanced through the study of music and participation in a musical organization.
If you are willing to help your child past the difficult times, perhaps more than music will be learned. Praise your young musician when he or she does well and try not to be too critical. Help set up a regular practice time and attend all concerts and performances to show your support.
Please contact me if you need any help or more suggestions at: or if you or your child would like private lessons please contact me and we will set up a time for a free musical aptitude test.